0800 REFUGE or 06-3442204


One in Three New Zealand Women experience domestic violence in their adult lifetime.

We are here to help.

– We are here to help you understand what you are experiencing and to support you to live a life free from violence and abuse.
– We understand that in most cases you love and care for the person; you want the relationship, you just don’t want the violence.
– If we are not the right place for you we have a list of agencies that we network with that we can refer you to.


Domestic violence is a pattern of power, control and coercion. Abuse is not just physical, trust your intuition. If something does not feel right to you, then it’s not OK.

If you are being abused, remember it’s not your fault. Violence is never okay. No one deserves to be abused, and we are always here to help you. At Women’s Refuge, we won’t judge you. We will listen to you and support you to make choices for your safety. 

Our services are confidential and mostly free. The only charge is rent if you use our safe houses, where you and your children can live if you need accommodation urgently. If you can’t afford this, don’t worry – our main concern is your safety.

Kia kaha.

Call the Crisis Support Line  0800 REFUGE (0800 733 843) 

You Can Call Our Crisis / Support Line 24 Hours a Day. If you need advice, guidance, or you may simply wish to talk you can call anytime. 


In an Emergency please dial 111

Support Women's Refuge Whanganui

Your Support will enable us to liberate women, children, families and whānau from family violence by providing quality services and social commentary