Call our free Crisis line on 0800 REFUGE or 0800 733 843
This phone number operates 24/7
Women’s Refuge Whanganui is a not for profit organisation dedicated to supporting families to live violence free. We are here to provide confidential services that are tailored to your needs. Should you, or someone you know need support, advice or general information you are welcome to make contact with one of our Advocates.
Support in the Community
Our advocates provide support to women and children who do not enter refuge:
- On-going support and assistance to women after they leave refuge
- Community visits where safe
- Confidential, non judgmental support
- 24 Hour crises line, 0800 REFUGE
- Advocacy when dealing with police, legal, court, WINZ, housing, doctors, immigration, school’s and Oranga Tamariki
- Referrals to counselors, doctors, lawyers and other support services
- Education and awareness of family violence issues in schools, community groups and other organisations
- 24/7 access to our safe houses
Anyone can call Women's Refuge Whanganui for advice at any time of the day, whether you are seeking advice, when you are concerned about someone or whether you need help yourself.
We help in non-crisis and crisis situations.
Crisis Intervention
We can provide you with urgent and on-going support through our:
Emergency safe housing for you and your children when you are at high risk of family violence
Information on legal issues
Safety planning
Referrals to other support agencies
“How Can We Help”
Women's Refuge Whanganui provide a protective, supportive space, free from the violence and judgement that has been a large part of many people’s daily lives.
In providing a safe environment our biggest asset/tool is people. “This is a place where you feel safe being yourself.”
For people who have experienced family violence, trust and respect are fundamental to feeling safe above and beyond their immediate physical need for shelter and physical protection.
In an Emergency please dial 111
Support Women's Refuge Whanganui
Your Support will enable us to liberate women, children, families and whānau from family violence by providing quality services and social commentary